Sunday, 18 October 2015

Walter's Carport Farmville 2 Cheats

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How to use the Cheat?

  1. Open FarmVille 2 in Mozilla Firefox
  2. Open Cheat Engine. or Download Here
  3. Open Process and select plugin-container.exe or FlasPlayerPlugin XX
  4. Choose for new scan and Change Value type to String
  5. Scan the code e_deco_animated_random_hitchingpost (Hitching Post)
  6. Replace the above code with e_npcfarm_decoration_walter_carport
  7. Buy Hitching Post from your General store and Place it in your Farm.
  8. Move these Hitching Posts to Inventory
  9. Refresh the browser after some time.

Removing a Walter's Carport placed in your Farm

For removing a Walter's Carport which is placed in your farm, we can use the same steps mentioned above replacing the codes in step 5 & 6. Please use the below code instead of Steps 5 & 6 mentioned above
  • Search for e_npcfarm_decoration_walter_carport
  • Replace with e_npcfarm_decoration_remove_carport
  • Visit a friend's farm & return home
    Happy Gaming!
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